Tuesday, January 25, 2011


When I am laying in bed before sleep, I like to stare up at a cute little light fixture that I picked up in a junk shop.  This metal piece was rusty and unloved, just tossed on top of a stack of magazines.  It was love at first sight!  I brought it back to the bungalow and got out the rust paint, rags and brushes.  I probably only worked on it for a couple of hours and for the staggering sum of 3 bucks I had me the perfect little light fixture for my room.  The floral design on it mimics the pattern in the bedspread on my bed.
You know, it got me to thinking about how the little things in our lives can mean alot.  Perhaps it is something in nature, or some junk you picked up and rejuvenated ...maybe a song or whatever.  Just a little something which makes you feel good even for a moment.
I really love blue jays.  Their vibrant color and "squeaky wheel" call is such an enjoyable thing to me.  My husband likes to walk our lab Molly in the bush at the end of our street.  One day, he came home and presented me with a blue jay feather.  I cannot tell you how touched I was at this small gesture.  It meant so much to me that he remembered how I love blue jays.  I keep that little feather on a display shelf in our kitchen.  Every time I look at it I am reminded of how fortunate I am to have such a thoughtful mate.

Yup, it's those "little things" that mean so much.

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