Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I know...weird title.  But, I do have a plant which seems very much like a person to me in that it likes to go to "bed" at around the same time each night!  I love this little plant so very much...

This is a "shamrock" plant.  Usually, it sports delicate little white flowers.  So pretty.  Anyways, it is a bit of a joke in our house between hubby and I to be quiet once she has gone to bed.  Her little leaves fold up for the night.  Isn't nature wonderful?  What is it that makes her leaves hide their faces when night falls?  I know there is a "scientific" explanation but I prefer to think in more imaginative terms!

My father always said he saw God in nature.  I do too.  And I see Him right here on my kitchen table in the leaves of a little houseplant that seems to "know" when it is bedtime.

Happy Day everyone.

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